Mastercard Launches First Priceless Event in Azerbaijan: Celebrating Exclusive Experiences of - PHOTO | | Новости
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Mastercard Launches First Priceless Event in Azerbaijan: Celebrating Exclusive Experiences of - PHOTO

First News Media16:17 - 09 / 10 / 2024
Mastercard Launches First Priceless Event in Azerbaijan: Celebrating Exclusive Experiences of - PHOTO

Mastercard is thrilled to announce the launch of its very first Priceless event in Azerbaijan, marking a significant milestone in bringing exclusive experiences to local Mastercard cardholders.

The event is hosted in partnership with The Goygol Wine Plant and will gather local officials, members of the press and other guests for a memorable experience that sets the stage for a new era of consumer engagement in the region.

“Priceless” is Mastercard’s global platform that offers cardholders unique experiences across a wide range of categories, including dining, sports, entertainment and travel. goes beyond transactional perks, offering Mastercard cardholders the opportunity to experience the emotional value of unforgettable moments, highlighting the true essence of Priceless.

Azerbaijan’s introduction to comes with exclusive perks such as discounts at over 120 local locations under Priceless Specials and access to the Mastercard Traveler program, which offers cash-back rewards at over 400 locations across more than 20 countries. With this event, will soon evolve into an experience and privileges hub for exclusive events and experiences tailored to local tastes and interests and only available for Mastercard cardholders.

"We are excited to bring to Azerbaijan, where we aim to create lasting memories and offer Mastercard cardholders experiences that go beyond the ordinary,” said Emil Zeynalov, country manager for Azerbaijan in Mastercard. “This event is the beginning of an exciting journey where we will continue to expand our offerings and bring unique value to our cardholders.”

The Priceless platform also integrates into channels like banking apps and websites, offering users easy access to exclusive offers and privileges. As the B2C side of launches in Azerbaijan, Mastercard plans to collaborate with local businesses and global partners to curate one-of-a-kind experiences for cardholders, making every moment truly priceless.


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